What is CenterPoint?
CenterPoint is a Recovery Kentucky men’s substance abuse treatment program. It is a peer-driven community that includes a transitional phase back into society.
CenterPoint is managed by Four Rivers Behavioral Health and is funded in part by the Kentucky Housing Corporation, The Department for Local Government and the Kentucky Department of Corrections.
The program of treatment at CenterPoint Recovery Center is divided into five distinct phases. Each phase is designed to further recovery goals while at the same time, offering clients more independence.
The complete program utilizes the 12-steps of Alcoholics Anonymous along with Recovery Dynamics, which is a program of study focusing on the physical and mental aspects of addiction.
Each phase of the program is outlined in this brochure. While the phases of the program do not change, each client is assessed upon admission and is continually monitored throughout the treatment process and is only moved from one phase of the program to the next after reaching certain benchmarks. Treatment goals and progress are specific to each individual.
Safe Off the Streets
Safe Off The Streets, or SOS, is the first phase of the program. Each client begins his recovery in SOS. Consumers are stabilized and monitored for withdrawal symptoms for the first five to seven days at CenterPoint. At least one staff member trained in CPR and First-aid is on-duty at all times.
The primary function of SOS is to prepare them to participate in the recovery program. Ultimately, SOS is a fresh start for men to begin to have faith in themselves and believe there is hope for recovery
Motivational Tracks
There are two parts to the Motivation Track phase of the program. During this time residents are taught about the physical cravings and mental obsession of drug addiction and alcoholism using curriculum from Recovery Dynamics. Residents also are introduced to the 12-steps of Alcoholics Anonymous focusing primarily of the first step of admitting to themselves that drugs and alcohol have made their lives unmanageable.
Clients also learn the basics of responsibility and become aware of their addictive thinking. All the while, clients are making a commitment to recovery and the recovery process.
To advance in the program, residents must show motivation by attending 12-step meetings and begin to work with a sponsor outside of the CenterPoint organization.
Phase One
Phase one clients delve deeper into the 12-steps of Alcoholics Anonymous and begin working through each step in classes, outside AA Meetings and with their sponsor.
Recovery Dynamics explains each of the 12-steps in depth and provides written assignments coinciding with each step.
Personal accountability is a large part of the overall CenterPoint program and as residents transition into Phase One, they are encouraged to address their own behavior and be a role-model for newer clients.
At this point in the program residents begin to develop recovery skills for use once they complete the program.
Phase Two
Phase two clients are residents who have recently completed the CenterPoint Recovery Program and have chosen to stay as Peer Mentors, have obtained a job in the community or need help finding gainful employment.
Peer Mentors are an integral part of the CenterPoint program and are chosen by CenterPoint’s Management Team to guide other clients through the program. We also work with several local industries to help place clients in rewarding jobs as well as secure affordable housing and provide continuing aftercare.
Phase two clients are still required to participate in recovery related activities at CenterPoint
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