I/We understand the information in this application will be used to determine eligibility for Section 8 housing assistance and that this information will be verified. I/We understand that any false information may make me/us ineligible for a unit. I/We certify that all information given in this application is true, complete and accurate. I/We understand that if any of this information is false, misleading or incomplete, management may decline my/our application or, if move-in has occurred, terminate my/our lease agreement. I/We understand that any action (s) by myself/ourselves or my/our household members, whether verbal or non-verbal, that harass, intimidate, threaten or are perceived by management to harass, intimidate or threaten the health or safety of the management stall or interfere with the management of the property is grounds for management to decline my/our application for housing. I/We authorized management to make any and all inquiries to verify this information, directly or through information exchanged now or later with rental and credit screening services, and to contact previous and current landlords or other sources for credit and verification information which may be
released to appropriate Federal, state or local agencies. If my/our application is approved, and move-in occurs, I/We certify that only those persons listed in this for whom I/we have, or expect to have, responsibility to provide housing. I/We agree to notify management in writing regarding any changes in household address, telephone number, income and household composition. My/Our signature (s), as indicated below, acknowledge that I/We have read and completed each section of this rental application, as applicable.