What is the Day Training Program?
Creative Enterprises is an Adult Day Training Program for consumers with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities that is available at our downtown Paducah office.
The Creative Enterprises Program works to provide job training and daily living skills along with recreational activities. The ultimate goal for those participating in Day Training is to become independent and self-sufficient in daily life and the community.
Every Creative Enterprises participant is given an initial assessment and goals are developed based on that assessment. Consumers are encouraged to participate in the goal-setting process thus giving them a sense of “ownership” in the plan.
What are the classes?
Each day, classes are offered in a number of areas from daily living skills such as money management, personal hygiene and cooking to skill-specific classes that focus on fine and gross motor skills and communications.
Further classes in general education are offered based on an individual program designed for each consumer. These classes typically include math, writing and reading skills. American Sign Language also is offered.
In addition to structured classes, the Creative Enterprises Program works togive participants a well-rounded day that also furthers person-centered goals. Weekly and daily planned activities include outings to grocery shop along with recreational activities – all designed to help improve every-day life skills and encourage participants to be more comfortable in the community.
Throughout the year there are special activities that build upon social inclusion skills. We have holiday
parties, a Christmas Variety Show, monthly planned outings, day trips and so much more.
Goals for Creative Enterprises participants are individualized to assist consumers in becoming more self sufficient and allow them to participate in community life outside of the Day Training Program.