Children’s Case Management for Serious Emotional Disabilities

Kentucky IMPACT is managed in this region by Four Rivers Behavioral Health. IMPACT was created in 1990 and was established as a coordinated, interagency approach to service delivery for children/youth with serious emotional disabilities and their families. IMPACT provides services not traditionally available, as well as flexible funding for informal support such as community activities, family support, and after-school and summer activities.

The overall goal of IMPACT is to prevent children/youth with serious emotional disabilities from being placed outside of their homes along with providing support and assistance to those who were transitioning home from such residential placements.

IMPACT deploys the Wraparound Approach to Case Management for some clients when practical and when circumstances show the client will benefit from the approach. We work with the Commonwealth of Kentucky along with the National Wraparound Implementation Center to support the addition of High Fidelity Wraparound to our existing program.

Our IMPACT Staff Members are trained in High Fidelity Wraparound. The children who receive HFW generally have more complex needs and require more coordination among formal and informal services and supports. HFW facilitators spend more time with each family, supporting them in meeting their goals and becoming connected with community resources that will help them thrive. Children will be determined eligible to receive HFW via a multi-step process.

Child/youth and family functioning will be assessed across a variety of life domains on a regular basis to assist in determining the effectiveness of HFW in reducing behavioral health concerns and increasing connections within the community.

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