Regional Prevention Center

The Regional Prevention Center provides prevention and education services as well as providing resources for Four Rivers Behavioral Health staff and for the nine counties we serve. The RPC provides information and advice on effective prevention programs and strategies and how to tailor them to individual situations. The RPC provides multifaceted prevention and intervention programs targeting specific needs related to alcohol, tobacco and other drug behavior and choices for youth and their parents.

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KY-Moms Maternal Assistance Toward Recovery

A program developed to help soon-to-be and recent mothers reduce harm to themselves and their children that comes from maternal substance use or use by a partner/family member during and after pregnancy. KY-Moms helps you find the resources you need to ensure the health of your baby. Program staff provide a caring, non-judgmental environment that gives mother ongoing support during pregnancy and post-partum. KY-Moms offers prenatal education and early intervention to improve a mother’s emotional, social, and physical well-being. KY-Moms also offers Case Management Services for high-risk mothers to help them locate the resources they need to insure the health of themselves and their newborn.

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The Dinner Table Project

A Program for Families to Eat Together, Have Fun, and Grow Closer through Communication – The Dinner Table Project started in 2014 to encourage families to sit down, turn the TV, iPads, phones and other electronic devices off and talk at least 3 or 4 times a week. Each month a newsletter comes out with recipes, talking points, games and other ideas to help parents and caregivers make this project a reality in their home. Also, each month, we will introduce 3-4 “developmental assets” for you to think and talk to your children about. Please visit our website to learn more!

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Training 11/12/19: An Introduction to Gender Identity and Sexual Diversity

To register for the class below, email Karen Graham at before Nov. 6. Space [...]


We invite all Priests, pastors, deacons, youth pastors, and other church staff to this important training. [...]

Four Rivers Behavioral Health to open Community Recovery Center

PADUCAH, KY – Four Rivers Behavioral Health is continuing its commitment to recovery from substance [...]

Four Rivers Behavioral Health provides training and information to the community on a variety of topics.
For more information on the training opportunities listed below or if you have a need for training for your staff
in a particular mental health area, contact our Regional Prevention Center.

Mental Health First Aid

Mental health problems – such as depression, anxiety, impulse control and misuse of alcohol and other drugs – are more common than you may realize.

In fact, more than one in four American adults will have a mental health concern in any given year. The National Council on Community Behavioral Healthcare has begun working with communities throughout the nation,
including Four Rivers Behavioral Health to implement
Mental Health First Aid to to help those experiencing
a mental health crisis.

The clinical and qualitative evidence behind the program demonstrates that it helps the public better identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illness, thus improving outcomes for individuals.

Question, Refer, Persuade

Question, Persuade, and Refer — the 3 simple steps anyone can learn to help save a life from suicide. Just as people trained in CPR and the Heimlich Maneuver help save thousands of lives each year, people trained in QPR learn how to recognize the warning signs of a suicide crisis and how to question, persuade, and refer someone to help.


Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) is for everyone 16 or older—regardless of prior experience—who wants to be able to provide suicide first aid. Shown by major studies to significantly reduce suicidality, the ASIST model teaches effective intervention skills while helping to build suicide prevention networks in the community.

Community Development

Prevention Specialists assist community residents, leaders, and groups in coming together to discuss their community’s strengths and needs and to develop a comprehensive prevention plan.

Consultation and Technical Assistance

The RPC provides information and advice on effective prevention programs and strategies and how to tailor them to individual situations. Technical assistance is currently provided to ASAPs (Agencies for Substance Abuse Policy) as well as to other area coalitions and organizations as they plan and implement youth led and community activities.

Training and Education

Prevention Specialists can train individuals and groups, such as parents, school systems, churches, civic organizations, youth groups, and others as requested who will subsequently affect or train others. They can also provide education to the general public on a variety of subjects for example; suicide and internet/media safety. Prenatal consumers are provided education on fetal alcohol syndrome, parenting, child development, and parent support. The RPC advocates for evidence-based programs in the community and curriculums in the schools (Evidence Based Curriculum Registries PDF). Prevention Specialists also provide brief educational trainings for youth on ATOD.

Public Information

Prevention Specialists work with local media to publicize prevention efforts and get accurate and helpful information to the public.

 “Talk. They Hear You.”

“Talk. They Hear You.” is the Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) underage drinking prevention campaign that helps parents and caregivers start talking to their children early about the dangers of alcohol.
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Drug Abuse Policy

Prevention Specialists look at local government and school policies regarding drug and alcohol use and work to strengthen those policies to improve health and reduce misuse in our schools and communities.

Grant Writing/Fiscal Agent

The RPC is always seeking additional funding for substance and alcohol abuse and suicide prevention education. Prevention Specialists assist local coalitions and agencies with grant writing and is the fiscal agent for several grants.

Create an Action Plan

As a Parent, dealing with Underage drinking can be challenging. Whether you’ve started talking to your child or not, your personalized action plan can help make the conversation easier today-and in the future.

Website Resources

Kentucky’s Alcohol Prevention Enhancement Site


American Foundation for Suicide Prevention


Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)


National Institute on Drugs (NIDA)
for Teens


National Institute on Drugs


Suicide Prevention Consortium
Of Kentucky


24 hours a day – 365 days a year

Emergency crisis intervention line at 800.592.3980.

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